Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sleep, Strikes, and TV

My nocturnal and morning loathing sleeping habits I formed while in BC over the break have not served me well in this eastern time zone.  Sleep eludes me when it is appropriate to do so and then rears it's lethargic and sluggish head at the sound of the waking alarm.  But this too shall pass.  I hope tonight.

A strike looms over colleges in Ontario as teachers are voting today whether or not to do so.  It most likely will happen and that most definitely seems like it's not the best use of my tuition dollar...unless they do a choreographed song and dance on the picket line...then that would be a good use of my money.  Life is a cabaret. 

And finally...a Christmas miracle has occurred.  I arrived back to my apartment to find that I now get twice as many channels on the television as I did before Christmas!


  1. haha!! well when God closes one door he opens another!! You might not get to go to class but you can get a TV education in the meantime!!
    miss you!

  2. good report today shanny! if they strike, i say come home, and i'll teach you! it'll be so much fun!
