Monday, January 11, 2010


I'm not in the habit of making New Years resolutions but this year I thought I would give it a shot.  Here they are:

1. Eat more
2. Read less
3. Spend more time aimlessly surfing the internet and social networking sites

This way if I break them it's actually a good thing and I needn't feel bad about it.

And at some hinting from family and friends I've decided to give updating the blog more for people who care what I do day to day besides wear Christmas sweaters.  I've tended to neglect this because I don't really feel like my day to day life is that interesting and feel pressure to be creative and I've created this stark white blog for the ordinary and dedicated to those who care to read it.  Here goes.


  1. Yeah! I will be a faithful reader!!!

  2. i also will be a faithful reader.. i have added you to my "blog roll"!!!
