Friday, January 29, 2010

World Wide Web Woes

The internet is down at my house...henceforth the lack of communication.  God speed the new modem.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dogs and Bulls

Yesterday I shot a dog sled race and then a Belleville Bulls hockey game in the evening (I'll try a post some photos on the other blog soon).  I am officially a Canadian photographer.  I then headed home for some poutine and maple syrup.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just Beat It...

I just posted this on my main blog but thought I'd post it here too...a day in the life.

An exclusive look into the bowels of the photojournalism program.  In the background our writing guru, Scott, goes over beat proposals while Shannon waits for the hurricane of ideas to hit her brain.  The brain hurricane was then downgraded to a tropical brain storm and turned up to be nothing but a brain drizzle.

Beat proposals were the topic of the day...meaning what type of stories will we be covering this semester.  Information that would have been useful to me before I got down on one knee before a red vegetable.  And then proposed a beat in 6/8 time signature.  Wrong beet...or beat.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Awkward Referees

This weekend I was shooting a Hoops for Hope charity basketball fund-raiser and I witness a comical exchange between two middle aged referees. 

It was right before the game was a about to begin and one referee stuck out his fist to the other for a congenial "pound it" (somewhat like a high-five but with closed fists).  The other ref just looked at it, clearly uncomfortable, shook his head and extended his hand for a more traditional hand shake.  Such a brilliant awkward moment.  If only I had my camera up.

Also, since when do high school boys have full beards??  There must be something in this Belleville chicken.

Friday, January 15, 2010

No More Boring Tuna, No More Boring Life

A wise man once said, "Stop having a boring tuna, stop having a boring life!"  Well, I took that wise man's advice and used my new Slap Chop for the first time combining all sorts of wonderful vegetables into my once plain jane tuna.  And let me tell you, it was life changing.  Perhaps I will do a whole blog about my new Slap Chop!

I think Vince, the wise man I speak of, could have been a fourth wise man in the birth of Jesus bringing the gift of Slap Chop to augment the gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  Well, maybe not.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sleep, Strikes, and TV

My nocturnal and morning loathing sleeping habits I formed while in BC over the break have not served me well in this eastern time zone.  Sleep eludes me when it is appropriate to do so and then rears it's lethargic and sluggish head at the sound of the waking alarm.  But this too shall pass.  I hope tonight.

A strike looms over colleges in Ontario as teachers are voting today whether or not to do so.  It most likely will happen and that most definitely seems like it's not the best use of my tuition dollar...unless they do a choreographed song and dance on the picket line...then that would be a good use of my money.  Life is a cabaret. 

And finally...a Christmas miracle has occurred.  I arrived back to my apartment to find that I now get twice as many channels on the television as I did before Christmas!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Back to school

After a splendid three weeks at home in BC I've arrived back in the bowels of Belleville!  I arrived to find my apartment sweltering hot as it's an old house and the heating seems to funnel into my place.  Papers were starting to curl and wood warping and cracking.  I was slightly concerned about my guitar which seems dry but in good spirits.  I now put it in the bathroom while I shower (not in the shower) which was recommended to me to help hydrate the wood.  But that's neither here nor there.

Today was back to school for my second of four semesters of the photojournalism program.  This semester  I will be learning many fascinating things in classes such as:
    Writing for Photojournalists
    Location Lighting
    News Photography
    Multiple Pictures
    Portfolio Development
    Software for Photojournalists
    Global Photojournalism/Ethics
    Multimedia for Photojournalists
    Civic Literacy

Well, now that I look at it it seems like I will be busy.  We'll see how long this blogging resolution lasts.  I think I shall be more successful with the other three.


I'm not in the habit of making New Years resolutions but this year I thought I would give it a shot.  Here they are:

1. Eat more
2. Read less
3. Spend more time aimlessly surfing the internet and social networking sites

This way if I break them it's actually a good thing and I needn't feel bad about it.

And at some hinting from family and friends I've decided to give updating the blog more for people who care what I do day to day besides wear Christmas sweaters.  I've tended to neglect this because I don't really feel like my day to day life is that interesting and feel pressure to be creative and I've created this stark white blog for the ordinary and dedicated to those who care to read it.  Here goes.